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Sentiment Breakdown

You can quickly see the market sentiment for your favorite stocks as you scroll through news headlines. Tickers are colored positive, negative, or neutral.

News Price Tracker

Compare current asset prices with their prices at the time of the news release to see what has already been priced in.

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Built for the Traders

Get Ahead with AI

Take advantage of the power of artificial intelligence. Explore financial news summaries reviewed by the most advanced AI technology available, ensuring you get the essential information of every story without missing out on critical data.

Focus on What Matters

Receive only the news that truly matters. Unlike other news websites, Financial Flow only shows the most important market news. Avoid all the noise from countless other news stories that aren’t relevant and don't affect securities prices, ensuring your focus remains solely on what matters.

Track News Impact on Prices

News affects asset prices, so let's take advantage of that. When you open an article to read, you can immediately see the price difference between when the news was released and the current asset price. Understand the market's reaction, evaluate how much a piece of news is already priced in, and refine your trading strategy accordingly.

Check What the Whales are Doing

Gain access to the portfolios of the biggest and most renowned Wall Street investors. Track the companies they’re investing in and get inspiration do create your portfolio.

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